What If Insects Disappeared?

What If Insects Disappeared?

In this video, Cosmo wonders what would happen if all the insects on Earth disappeared. Students will learn about the important role insects play in the food chain, how pollinating insects are responsible for many of our favourite foods, and how insects play a critical role in cleaning up the millions of litres of poop made by animals every minute. Cosmo then discovers simple steps that everyone can take to help insects thrive in their natural environments.

Topic: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things


  • Identify personal action that they themselves can take to help maintain a healthy environment for living things, including humans 
  • Describe changes or problems that could result from the loss of some kinds of living things that are part of everyday life 
  • Identify environment as the area in which something or someone exists or lives
  • Describe the characteristics of a healthy environment, including clean air and water and nutritious food, and explain why it is important for all living things to have a healthy environment
  • Describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps to maintain a healthy
  • environment 
  • Identify what living things provide for other living things

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