What If Seeds Could Grow in Your Stomach?

What If Seeds Could Grow in Your Stomach?

Cosmo is researching how plants grow. They don’t have plants in space, so Cosmo calls on BioKid for help. When BioKid answers the call, BioKid is eating an apple (or other fruit with seeds). Cosmo panics. Don’t you know that if you eat a seed by accident it will grow in your stomach? BioKid is certain that doesn’t happen, but wonders what if there was a “super-seed” that made this possible?

Topic: Growth and Change in Plants


  • Describe the basic needs of plants, including air, water, light, warmth, and space
  • Identify the major parts of plants, and describe how each contributes to the plant’s survival within the plant’s environment
  • Describe the changes that different plants undergo in their life cycles 
  • Describe how most plants get energy to live directly from the sun 

Topic: Soils in the Environment


  • Identify and describe the different types of soils

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