What If the Sun Disappeared?

What If the Sun Disappeared?

Cosmo starts his journey by explaining that the Sun provides heat energy and light energy to Earth and from there begins his exploration into how life on Earth would be changed forever as temperatures dropped, most of Earth’s water froze into ice, and how plants would be unable to grow in the darkness. Would people be able to grow enough food? What type of clothing would we need to wear? And will there be enough oxygen to breathe?

Topic: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things


  • Investigate and compare the basic needs of humans and other living things

Topic: Energy in our Lives


  • Investigate how the sun affects the air, land, and/or water, using a variety of methods
  • Demonstrate an understanding that the sun, as the earth’s principal source of energy, warms the air, land, and water; is a source of light for the earth; and makes it possible to grow food
  • Identify food as a source of energy for themselves and other living things

Topic: Daily and Seasonal Changes


  • Identify the sun as Earth’s principal source of heat and light

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