What If Humans Dumped Everything Down the Drain?

What If Humans Dumped Everything Down the Drain?

Topic: Animals


  • Identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where they live, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced 
  • Explain why humans should protect animals and the places where they live

Topic: Properties of Liquids and Solids


  • Assess the ways in which liquids and solids in the home are used, stored, and disposed of in terms of the effect on personal safety and the health of the environment, and suggest responsible actions to replace inappropriate practices
  • Describe the properties of solids and liquids 
  • Explain the meaning of international symbols that give us information on the safety of substances

Topic: Air and Water in the Environment


  • Assess the impact of human activities on water in the environment and plan a course of action to help keep the water in the local community clean
  • Identify sources of water in the natural and built environment

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