What If Humans Never Invented the Elevator?

What If Humans Never Invented the Wheel?

Cosmo discovers that the wheel is one type of simple machine and explores how wheels allow an object to be moved with less force than would otherwise be needed. Students then discover what the world might be like if wheels had never been invented. Without cars, trains, and airplanes, how would people travel long distances? Why does the production of hydro-electricity depend on wheels? There’s a wheel in a doorknob? And how do wheels allow 65 million people to participate in everyday activities?   

Topic: Movement


  • Assess the impact on society and the environment of simple machines that allow movement
  • Describe different ways in which objects move
  • Identify the six basic types of simple machines and give examples of ways in which each is used in daily life to make tasks easier
  • Describe how each type of simple machine allows humans to move objects with less force than otherwise would be needed

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