What If We Wanted To Farm on Mars?

What If We Wanted to Farm on Mars?

Cosmo learns about the science responsible for photosynthesis on Earth and why that would make growing plants on Mars very difficult. A step-by-step outline is provided explaining the photosynthesis process, with this being compared to what the environmental situation is on Mars. What is the soil like on the Red Planet? Does it have any nutrients? How could people change the soil to make it fertile? Would this become self-sustaining?

Topic: Plants


  • Describe the basic needs of plants, including air, water, light, warmth and space
  • Describe how plants get energy to live directly from the Sun
  • Describe different ways in which plants are grown for food
  • Identify examples of environmental conditions that may threaten plant survival

Topic: Soils in the Environment

  • Assess the impact of soils on society, and suggest ways in which humans can enhance positive effects and/or lessen or prevent harmful effects
  • Identify and describe different types of soils
  • Identify additives that might be in soil but that cannot always be seen
  • Describe the interdependence between the living and non-living things that make up soil

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